2Dtronics group, Norway grants, UAM, NTNU
2Dtronics, Norway grants, UAM, NTNU

Welcome to the 2Dtronics research group led by prof. Anna Dyrdał. Our team is a part of Mesoscopic physics Department at the Institute of Spintronics and Quantum Information, Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU). The team was established in 2020 thanks to the research project Spin and charge transport in low-dimensional novel quantum materials funded from the Norway Grants 2014–2021 under the Basic Research Programme operated by the National Science Centre in Poland. The project was carried out jointly in years 2020-2024 by Anna Dyrdał (project PI) at the Department of Mesoscopic Physics (AMU) and Alireza Qaiumzadeh at the Center for Quantum Spintronics, Department of Physics, Faculty of Natural Sciences, NTNU. 
Currently, the 2Dtronics team continue research on new 2D quantum materials and their exciting physics.


date: September 2024
Congratulations to Izabella Wojciechowska for Winning the 2024 Arkadiusz Piekara Prize!
Iza's award

We are proud to announce that Izabella Wojciechowska, our group's PhD student, has been awarded the 2024 Arkadiusz Piekara Prize by the Polish Physical Society for her master's thesis, "Hall Effects in van der Waals Heterostructures Based on Graphene." Congratulations, Iza🥳👏 Link to News

date: May 2024
New solutions in electronics
2DQMS tile

The project GRIEG 2Dtronics has been highlighted by National Science Centre in Research Stories

date: 29.02.2024
Lecture for high school - popularization of science and research conducted within the 2Dtronics project

On the penultimate day of the project implementation, i.e., on February 28, 2024, two doctoral students from our team, Izabella Wojciechowska and Anna Krzyżewska, conducted a popular science lecture for students of the Public Salesian High School in Poznań on the topic "Transport of Charge and Spin in Low-Dimensional Materials." As part of the event, we introduced the concept of spin to the students, discussed the use of its ideas in electronic devices, and shared with them the results we have achieved within the work on the 2Dtronics project. In the end, to reinforce the new knowledge, students had the opportunity to participate in a quiz with prizes that we prepared for them.

This event was a great opportunity for us not only to promote the results of the project implementation but also to spread physical knowledge among the younger generation. We hope that the students will remember this meeting as favorably as we do! :-)

Lecture for the High School Lecture for the High School Lecture for the High School Lecture for the High School Lecture for the High School
date: 02.01.2024
2D Quantum Materials for Spintronics
2DQMS tile

2Dtronics is organising the workshop "2D Quantum Materials for Spintronics: 2DQMS 2024" at the Faculty of Physics, AMU on the 29th-31st of January 2024. 2DQMS 2024 is the final event of the 2Dtronics Consortium, and focuses on various aspects of 2D Spintronics, such as spin effects in transport phenomena, topological properties of matter, van-der-Waals materials, 2D magnetic, etc. For more details, please go to the 2DQMS webpage: https://2dtronics.amu.edu.pl/2DQMS

date: 15.12.2023
Exploring Nanoscale Frontiers: Insights from WINDS 2024 Conference in Hawaii
WINDS logo

In December, our members Izabella Wojciechowska and Piotr Pigoń, together with our colleague Maciej Kalka from AGH University of Kraków, attended The Workshop on Innovative Nanoscale Devices and Systems (WINDS) 2024. The conference was held in Kailua-Kona on Hawaii and focused on the fundamental properties of nanoscale devices and their applications. Our members had a chance to present posters with the current results and also listened to interesting lectures.

Besides the scientific aspects, we explored and enjoyed Hawaiian life, i.e., the beauty of the Pacific Ocean and extrusive rocks. But even while sightseeing, science didn’t abandon us. That is why we went to the sky observatory located at a height of more than 2000 meters on Mauna Kea, the volcanic mountain, where we could enjoy the beauty of the Universe.

The team on WINDS workshop sky observatory on Mauna Kea conference dinner at WINDS
date: 24.11.2023
Best master’s thesis prize for Izabella Wojciechowska
Izabella Wojciechowska's photo

The outcome of the competition for the top master's thesis at the Faculty of Physics has been decided. In the Astronomy and Physics category, Izabella Wojciechowska emerged as the winner with the thesis titled "Hall effects in van-der-Waals heterostructures based on graphene." We are proud of the accomplishment of our colleague.

date: 27.08-01.09.2023
In the european capital of magnetism 2023: 6 days of magnetic marvels in Madrid
JEMS 2023 logo

Last week, we took part in one the most important and comprehensive conferences on Magnetism in Europe — The Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS). The conference was in Madrid and gathered more than 700 scientists from all over the world! Three members of our group, Izabella Wojciechowska, Mirali Jafari, and Piotr Pigoń, had the opportunity to present posters with their results.

What is more, we had the opportunity to meet Norwegian members of the projects, with whom we went for a Persian-style dinner, exchanging opinions about the scientific event and taking advantage of the charms of the city.

The conference, divided into 17 sections, resulted in many interesting talks and allowed us to get to know many scientists. Besides the scientific aspects, we found some time to explore the beauty of Madrid, e.g., the stunning Palacio Real de Madrid and Museo Nacional del Prado — one of the most important art museums in the world.

Mirali in front of his poster Piotr in front of his poster Iza in front of his poster The team in front of the palace The team at the dinner
date: 30.07-03.08.2023
Dancing with the sharks among the magnons
Magnonics 2023 logo

From July 30th to August 3rd, the Magnonics 2023 conference took place in the picturesque city of Le Touquet – Paris – Plage, where Mirali Jafari presented a poster on Monday titled "Static and Dynamic Magnetic Properties of Two-Dimensional Van Der Waals Materials".

This five-day conference immersed attendees in the realm of Magnonics, fostering insightful discussions and networking opportunities. Amidst the intellectually stimulating atmosphere, participants also carved out time to explore Nausicaa, Europe's largest aquarium!

The sharks
date: 24-28.07.2023
MagIC+ workshop in a “magic” p(a)lace
Magic plus logo

Last week, our group members participated in the second edition of the workshop MagIC+ Magnetism, Interactions and Complexity, which took place in the attractive Research and Conference Centre at Będlewo Palace near Poznań.

Amir Nasser Zarezad, Mirali Jafari, Kateryna Boboshko, Piotr Pigoń and Anna Krzyżewska contributed with oral talks, whereas Stefan Stagraczyński and Izabella Wojciechowska presented their works on posters.

The list of presentations is provided in the book of abstracts.

Below are a few photos from this event.

2Dtronics group in front of the poster Bedlewo palace Bedlewo palace
date: 13.07.2023
Izabella's defence!
Izabella Wojciechowska's photo

We're thrilled to share the exciting news that today, Izabella Wojciechowska has successfully defended her master's degree and will soon officially become a Ph.D. student in our group. Join us in congratulating her on this significant achievement! :-)

date: 26-30.06.2023
PM'23 conference (The European Conference Physics of Magnetism 2023)

The holiday season has begun! For most people, it is a time of trips and rest; however, the scientific world governs its own rules. Hereby, we officially started the conference season with The European Conference Physics of Magnetism 2023 (PM'23), where our group members had an opportunity to present their work with one oral (Mirali Jafari) and several poster contributions (Amir Zarezad, Stefan Stagraczyński, Kateryna Boboshko, Anna Krzyżewska, Izabella Wojciechowska and Piotr Pigoń).

We proudly announce that three of us were granted the best oral (Mirali Jafari) and best poster (Anna Krzyżewska and Piotr Pigoń) awards --> https://www.ifmpan.poznan.pl/pm23/awards-results.html.

The 3rd best oral award went to Mirali Jafari for the oral presentation entitled "Effect of strain on the electronic and magnetic properties of bilayer T-phase VS2: a first-principles study".

The 1st best poster award went to Anna Krzyżewska for the poster presentation entitled "Nonlinear effects in 2DEG with cubic form of Rashba spin-orbit interaction" and the 3rd best poster award went to Piotr Pigoń for the poster presentation entitled "Electronic and Topological Properties of a Topological Insulator Thin Film Sandwiched between Ferromagnetic Insulators".

nagrodzeni posters_awarded
date: 17.04-17.06.2023
Amir Nasser Zarezad on a scientific stay at NTNU in Norway

The second short-term scientific stay of our postdoc in Norway. This time, Amir went to QuSpin group to exchange scientific knowledge and collaborate on the research project. Amir wrote a few words about his stay:

During my stay in Norway from April 17th to June 17th, I had the opportunity to be a guest researcher at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in the Center for Quantum Spintronics (QuSpin) for a period of two months. One of my primary goals for this trip was to consult with experts in the field of spintronics, and in this regard, I had the honor of collaborating with esteemed professors and researchers, including Alireza Qaiumzadeh. Leveraging the scientific resources and expertise available at the university proved to be highly fruitful, and it opened doors to new possibilities.

Amir at NTNU in Norway Amir at NTNU in Norway Amir at NTNU in Norway
date: 02.02-31.05.2023
Mirali's Four-Month Internship in Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia

Mirali Jafari had an opportunity to embark on a four-month internship in Košice during the period from 2nd of February to 31st of May 2023, under the guidance of Dr. Martin Gmitra. During his internship, he had the chance to showcase his scientific accomplishments by delivering a KTFA seminar to the Department of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics. Additionally, Mirali actively participated in a significant course led by Dr. Gmitra, titled "Atomistic Computer Modeling of Materials." Overall, this internship proved exceptionally fruitful, enriching Mirali's perspective within his field.

date: 08-09.12.2022
The 2nd Symposium of Spintronics and Quantum Information

The 2nd Symposium of Spintronics and Quantum Information took place on December 8th and 9th, 2022, right here in our yard at the Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. For more details, you can visit website: https://isik.amu.edu.pl/symposium-on-spintronics-and-quantum-information-2022/.

During a special session dedicated to PhD students, our colleagues form the 2Dtronics team delivered oral presentations:

  • Kateryna Boboshko presented "Nonlinear Longitudinal and Transverse DC Conductivity in Topological Insulators: Effect of Scattering on Spin-Orbital Impurities and Non-Equilibrium Spin Polarization".
  • Mirali Jafari discussed "Magnetic Properties of Monolayer and Bilayer of Vanadium-based Transition Metal Dichalcogenides VX 2 (X=S, Se, and Te)".
  • Izabella Wojciechowska focused on "Anomalous, spin and valley Hall effects in graphene-based EX-SO-TIC van-der-Waals structures".
  • Anna Krzyżewska shared insights on "Non-linear Hall effect induced by Berry curvature dipole in a two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba spin-orbit interaction".

In addition, participants had the opportunity to attend regular talks by experienced scientists, including

  • Stefan Stagraczyński, who spoke about "Static and Dynamic Magnetic Properties of Monolayers and Bilayers of Chromium Trihalide"
And our project mentor
  • Professor Józef Barnaś, who discussed "Coupling of Spin Waves and Plasmons"

ISQI Symposium 2022 ISQI Symposium 2022 ISQI Symposium 2022 ISQI Symposium 2022 ISQI Symposium 2022
date: 09.09.2022
New podcast about Quantum Materials with Anna Dyrdał, PI of the 2Dtronics project
Anna Dyrdal, Radio Naukowe

Check out the latest podcast on Radio Naukowe, where the Principal Investigator of the 2Dtronics project, Anna Dyrdał, discusses the fascinating world of quantum materials. Listen now via this link: https://radionaukowe.pl/podcast/materialy-kwantowe-rewolucja-technologiczna-tuz-za-rogiem-e111

date: 24.07-29.07.2022
JEMS 2022 in the foreground of Warsaw Old City

In the middle of summer (24.07-29.07), the capital of Poland gathered a significant part of european magnetism society at the antique and stately Main Campus of the University of Warsaw, founded in 1816. The Campus is located in the Warsaw Old Town, combining scientific, historical, and esthetic beauty together.

Participants could attend talks by physicists such as Felix Casanova, Geoffrey Beach, and Nora Dempsey. Members of the 2Dtronics group, including Anna Dyrdał, Stefan Stagraczyński, Amir Zarezad, Anna Krzyżewska, Kateryna Boboshko, Mirali Jafari, and Izabella Wojciechowska presented their research results during talks and poster sessions (topics given out are available in the Book of Abstracts | 2022 Joint European Magnetism Symposia conference).

Apart from broadening physical knowledge and discussing novel ideas, our team visited the Royal Bath Park - Łazienki, various museums, and the Royal Castle, enriching the cultural experience of the trip. After six days of the conference, one of our PhD students, Anna Krzyżewska, proudly won the award for the best poster, marking the conclusion of JEMS 2022.

Lazienki, Warsaw JEMS 2022 Amir next to the monument of Pilsudski Warsaw University, Krakowskie Przedmiescie
date: 27.06-1.07.2022
Sunny days of Nanomagnetism and Spintronic in San-Sebastian (Sol-SkyMag 2022 conference)

From 27th of June to 1st of July, 2022, the 6th edition of the Sol-SkyMag International Conference was held in San-Sebastian and picked up leading researchers working in areas such as nanomagnetism, spin dynamics, spin-transport, and their applications.

Kateryna Boboshko and Anna Krzyżewska presented their works during the poster session covering topics such as “Nonlinear Longitudinal and Transverse DC Conductivity in Topological Insulators: Effect of Scattering on Spin-Orbital Impurities and Non-Equilibrium Spin Polarization” and “Non-Linear Hall Effect Induced by Berry Curvature Dipole in a Two-Dimensional System with Cubic Rashba Spin-Orbit Interaction”, respectively. Additionally, they had the opportunity to personally meet Nobel Prize laureate Albert Fert and attend his talk.

Anna Dyrdal and Stefan Stagraczynski in front of the servers Anna Dyrdal and Stefan Stagraczynski in front of the servers
date: 04.01.2022
Exciting arrival: new servers for our essential numerical calculations!
Anna Dyrdal and Stefan Stagraczynski in front of the servers

The eagerly awaited servers have just happily arrived to our doorstep! The hardware is essential for work, especially for our experts in numerical calculations, i.e., Stefan Stagraczyński and Mirali Jafari :)

date: 01.11.2021
Iza joined our team!
Izabella Wojciechowska - our new member

Our team is growing bigger and stronger through hard work, long discussions and… new members! 😊 In November, a new master's student, Izabella Wojciechowska, joined our 2Dtronics group to pursue knowledge in spintronics and quantum materials, along with becoming a part of our scientific experience. 🙋

date: 05-07.07.2021
MagIC+ : Virtual Workshop of Magnetism, Interaction, and Complexity
Magic plus logo

On the days of July 5th to 7th, 2021, an interesting workshop, which we organized together with the Nanomaterials Physics Division, was dubbed MagIC+ Workshop: Magnetism, Interaction, and Complexity and took place. Due to the challenges posed by the unique difficulties, this workshop successfully held in fully-online format. The event boasted an impressive lineup of invited speakers who shared their insights and expertise on the fascinating subject of magnetism, exploring its intricate interactions and complex phenomena. During this workshop, more than 30 invited lectures plus lots of posters by young researchers presented in virtual form.

During the worskhop, two PhD students from our group presented their scientific results at the virtual poster session: Kateryna Boboshko, with the presentation titled "Bilinear magnetoresistance in topological insulators with spin-orbit impurities" and Mirali Jafari, with the presentation titled "Spin-valve effect in graphene/2H-VSe2/graphene junctions".

date: 28.06-02.07.2021
The European Conference Physics of Magnetism 2021 virtually in Poznań

At the turn of the June and July 2021, we had the opportunity to attend in the European Conference on Physics of Magnetism 2021 (PM'21) in an online format. Members of the 2Dtronics group contributed with both talks and posters as follows:

  • Co-investogator in the 2Dtronics project, Wojciech Rudziński, talked about "Effect of the magnetic anisotropy on magnons in the VSe2 bilayer antiferromagnet",
  • Postdoctoral researcher Amir Nasser Zarezad presented a poster titled "Bilinear magnetoresistance and planar Hall effect in topological insulators",
  • PhD student Mirali Jarafi had an oral contribution titled "Spin valve effect in two-dimensional VSe2 system", and additionally, he presented a poster titled "Electronic and magnetic properties of silicene monolayer under bi-axial mechanical strain: A first principle study",
  • PhD student Kateryna Boboshko presented a poster titeld "Bilinear magnetorsistance in topological insulators: the role of spin-orbit scattering on impurities",
  • PhD student Anna Krzyżewska provided a talk titled "Selected transport phenomena induced by cubic forms of spin-orbit interaction in 2D structures" and presented a poster titled "Spin-orbit driven phenomena in Dirac fermions with Rashba spin-orbit interaction - transport characteristics at finite temperatures".
date: 21-24.06.2021
Magnetism & Spintronics in virtual San-Sebastian (Sol-SkyMag 2021 conference, online)

Over the past few days, we virtually convened at the SolSkyMag 2021 conference in San Sebastian. Two of our members had the opportunity to deliver short oral presentations on bilinear magnetoresistance, a phenomenon central to our research in the 2Dtronics project. Postdoctoral researcher Amir Nasser Zarezad contributed with a talk titled: "Bilinear Magnetoresistance in Topological Insulators: The Role of Magnetic Impurities," while PhD student Anna Krzyżewska presented on "Bilinear Magnetoresistance in a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas."

Despite the virtual format, the conference provided an excellent platform for presenting our work and gaining valuable insights into related scientific research. However, we look forward to the possibility of meeting face-to-face in San Sebastian next year.

Sol-SkyMag 2021
date: 01.04.2021
An award-winning article by our PhD student has been published in a popular science journal
PF logo

We are pleased to annouce that in the latest issue of "Postępy Fizyki", a journal with a popular science profile, an article recognized in the competition for the best article authored by a young physicist, titled "Dziedzictwo Edwina Halla" (Edwin Hall's legacy) written by PhD student Anna Krzyżewska, has just been published. The entire volume is availabe at the following link: https://www.ptf.net.pl/PF72/1.

date: 11-12.03.2021
Kick-off meeting
Kick-off meeting screenshot

Kick-off meeting, the first event promoting the 2Dtronics project, is now behind us! We had the opportunity to listen to several talks prepared by recognized scientists and present our contributions to the project, including the results already obtained and the plans for future work.

The schedule of kick-off meeting is listed at this link.

date: 11-12.03.2021
Invitation to join online for the kick-off meeting
GRIEG logo

We are pleased to invite all interested individuals to participate in the kick-off meeting, which will take place online (via the Zoom platform) on the 11th and 12th of March 2021. For more information, please visit: https://2dtronics.amu.edu.pl/en/events/kickoff

date: 21.01.2021
Mirali joined our team!
Mirali Jafari - oour new member

Today, we had the pleasure of welcoming a new member to our team, Mirali Jafari, who will be joining us as a PhD student. We look forward to working together and achieving great things as a team! 🙋

date: 23.11.2020
Amir joined our team!
Amir - oour new member

Today, we willingly acknowledged the arrival of a new member, Amir Nasser Zarezad, who will be serving as a Postdoctoral Researcher. We look forward to work together and meet our goals as a team! 🙋

date: autumn 2020
We are innovative and care for making our life better

We are proud to announce that application for the medical project B+R started by one of our group member: Stefan Stagraczyński, has won in competitions organized by Subcarpathia Center of Innovations. The project is a part of bigger plans related to classification in stentography and optimization.

date: 30.09.2020
The project 2Dtronics has just started!
GRIEG logo

We are committed to achieving our research goals. For detailed information about our topics of interest, please visit the following link: 2Dtronics research.

On our website, you can find comprehensive project information, while this blog will keep you updated on significant events related to the project and its members.