zespół 2Dtronics, Fundusze Norweskie, UAM, NTNU
2Dtronics, Norway grants, UAM, NTNU

dr Alireza Qaiumzadeh

Wybrane publikacje

  1. R. Lebrun, A. Ross, O. Gomonay, V. Baltz, U. Ebels, A.L. Barra, A. Qaiumzadeh, A. Brataas, J. Sinova, M. Klaui, Long-distance spin-transport across the Morin phase transition up to room temperature in ultra-low damping single crystals of the antiferromagnet α-Fe2O3, Nature Communications 11, 6332 (2020)
  2. I. A. Ado, A. Qaiumzadeh, R. Duine, A. Brataas, M. Titov, Asymmetric and Symmetric Exchange in a Generalized 2D Rashba Ferromagnet , Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 086802 (2018)
  3. A. Qaiumzadeh, I. A. Ado, R. Duine, M. Titov, A. Brataas, Theory of the Interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction in Rashba Antiferromagnets , Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 197202