2Dtronics group, Norway grants, UAM, NTNU
2Dtronics, Norway grants, UAM, NTNU

Work Package A: Task 3

Transport through hybrid structures consisted of Quantum Materials. Role of symmetry, external fields, and geometry.

We intend to use our knowledge and possible data collected within Tasks 1 and 2 to combine selected quantum materials with desired electronic or magnetic properties. We will characterize transport through layered systems, e.g., selected 2D crystals on a substrate (with specific properties ensured proximity-induced effects), van-der-Waals stacks (where spin or valley degree of freedom would be explored), and structures on the spin valve geometry. We would like to provide both a simple description, based on scattering formalism or phenomenological approach, as well as detailed transport characteristics obtained for band structures modeled by ab-initio methods. The results obtained within this task would be useful in the interpretation of experimental data or can help to plan new experiments.